7 de jul. de 2013

Hemisférios e estações do ano?

Ai ai... Dia maravilhoso e noite de ontem perfeita, porém atípicos, o dia pela estação do ano que se encontra este que lhes escreve de todo o coração meus amados leitores aqui, no Hemisfério que me encontro, nas exatas coordenadas para facilitar quem quiser me visitar tanto de helicóptero como pelo Google Earth são: 23º58'7" S, 46º22'47 O. Quase 30ºC e praia cheia, vento soprando de SSO a quase 10 km/h? Parece coisa do livro de apocalipse. Até brinquei que iria esquiar nas Bahamas hoje.

Bem, tudo invertido, misturado e junto ao mesmo tempo declaramos encerradas as atividades gastronômicas e culturais do nosso cantinho tão especial, que eu como bom aquariano que sou, já previa que isso fosse acontecer desde quando estava presente em sua pomposa inauguração. Mas como sou do signo zodiacal que jamais me apego e olho para o futuro de um jeito tão otimista, que chego a agradecer pelos momentos que ali foram vividos e que como um bom relacionamento, terminamos "numa boa" e sem ofensas ou mágoas. Saudades? Pode até ser, mas das pessoas que lá conheci e que posso encontrar em qualquer lugar do mundo. Eu sei que existe um prazo de validade para tudo fora o mel, petróleo, ouro, laudêmio entre outras coisas sem vida. Mas tudo que é vivo e que vemos, terminará! Logo... Eu procuro sugar ao máximo, tirando fotos mentais com meus olhos a cada piscada para colocar em um arquivo especial dentre tantos outros em um espaço organizado de meu cérebro ou de meu coração, dependendo da experiência presente, que pode virar passado amanhã de manhã.

Domingo eu não escrevo muito porque tudo será dito no Fantástico. Prefiro aplicar o "Dolce Far Niente" que só o domingo é capaz de oferecer e me preparar para uma semana cheia de boas notícias, prosperidade, surpresas gostosas e tudo que a gente quiser se formos honestos em nossos sonhos, focados em nossos estudos e cientes de que nada somos sem Deus à frente de tudo!

Falando em no Grande Criador do céu e da terra e de tudo quanto que existe, ontem no final do dia, soube do acidente com um avião coreano modelo Boeing 777 da Asiana Airlines (uma das maiores companhias aviação da Coreia do Sul ao lado da Korean Air) que vinha de Seul e enquanto pousava no aeroporto de San Francisco, nos Estados Unidos com 291 passageiros e 16 tripulantes não posso e nem direi por respeito à hierarquia dos órgãos competentes de investigações que tratarão de emitir um laudo com todos os detalhes do voo (OZ214) como manda o anexo 13 da ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) saberemos de tudo, porém como pessoa física e não técnica posso dar os parabéns aos Comissários de Bordo que evacuaram os 291 passageiros em cerca de 90 segundos em meio a chamas e fumaça mortal sem dar tempo para pensar em nada senão salvar as vidas de quem assimilava o que estava acontecendo, pois era um pouso normal e sem emergência preparada. As duas pessoas que morreram? Foram fora da aeronave, ou seja... Bravo para os que são treinados constantemente para esse tipo de coisa que jamais sairá em suas escalas com antecedência mínima de 2 (dois) dias para a primeira semana de cada mês e 7 (sete) dias para as semanas subsequentes, para os vôos de horário, serviços de reserva, sobreaviso, treinamento e folga.

Detalhes para quem entende do assunto e o idioma inglês.

Accident: Asiana B772 at San Francisco on Jul 6th 2013, touched down short of the runway, broke up and burst into flames

By Simon Hradecky, created Saturday, Jul 6th 2013 19:35Z, last updated Sunday, Jul 7th 2013 20:21Z.

An Asiana Boeing 777-200, registration HL7742 performing flight OZ-214 from Seoul (South Korea) to San Francisco,CA (USA) with 291 passengers and 16 crew, touched down short of runway 28L impacting the edge separating the runway from the San Francisco Bay 115 meters/375 feet ahead of the runway threshold while landing on San Francisco's runway 28L at 11:27L (18:27Z), the tail plane, gear and engines separated, the aircraft came to a rest left of the runway about 490 meters/1600 feet past the runway threshold. Following first impact at high angle of pitch the aircraft lost gear and tail section, skidded along the runway, pitched up to about 45 degrees, the left wing entangled with ground sending the aircraft in a spin and separating the engines, the aircraft turned around counterclockwise by nearly 360 degrees with the nose coming down again and stopped, burst into flames and burned out, 305 occupants were able to evacuate the aircraft in time and are alive. 2 people are confirmed killed in the accident, 10 people are in critical condition, 38 more are in hospital care with injuries of lesser degrees, 82 occupants received minor injuries. The majority of survivors escaped without injuries.

Emergency services initially reported all occupants have been accounted for and are alive. Emergency services repeated ALL occupants have been accounted for in response to media reports that two people have been killed. A number of people were taken to hospitals with injuries of varying degrees. In a later press conference the fire chief of San Francisco said, not all people have been accounted for, two people were confirmed killed in the accident. In a second press conference Saturday evening (Jul 6th San Francisco local time) the fire chief reported, all passengers and crew have been accounted for, final numbers were 2 occupants killed, 10 in critical condition, 38 with serious injuries, 82 with minor injuries, 175 uninjured. The confusion about people being not accounted for was the result of survivors being taken to two different locations at the airport.

Asiana confirmed their aircraft suffered an accident while landing in San Francisco, there were 291 passengers and 16 crew on board.

The General Hospital in San Francisco reported they received 10 passengers from the flight OZ-214, 8 adults and 2 children, all in critical condition.

The city of San Francisco and emergency services in a joint press conference reported that emergency services responded post landing, 48 people were transported to hospitals, 190 passengers were collected and taken to the terminal, 82 of which are probably going to be tranferred to hospitals, there are some people unaccounted for. The aircraft carried 291 passengers and 16 crew, total 307 people on board. There were two fatalities. In a second press conference Saturday evening the fire chief corrected the earlier statement now stating that all passengers and crew have been accounted for, the earlier confusion in Saturday afternoon's press conference was caused by two locations at the airport used to take survivors to. There were 305 survivors, 2 fatalities, of the 305 survivors there are 10 in critical condition, 38 received serious injuries, 82 minor injuries.

The airport was completely closed for about 5 hours, then runways 01L/19R and 01R/19L reopened, both runways 10/28 remain closed.

The NTSB reported the Boeing 777 of Asiana, flight 214, approached runway 28L when it suffered an accident, three investigators from the West Coast as well as a response team from Washington have been dispatched on scene. Korea's ARAIB have been invited to join the investigation.

ATC recordings show, the aircraft was on a normal approach and was cleared to land on runway 28L, no emergency services were lined up, all traffic was running normally. During a transmission of tower shouting in the back of the tower is heard, emergency services began to respond, all aircraft on approach were instructed to go around. The airport was closed. United flight 885, waiting for departure at the hold short line threshold 28L, reported people were walking around both runways, there were a number of people near the numbers of runway 28R, obviously survivors.

An observer on the ground reported that the approach of the aircraft looked normal at first, about 5 seconds prior to impact the aircraft began to look low and then impacted the sea wall ahead of the runway.

Relevant NOTAMS:

07/051 (A1331/13) - NAV ILS RWY 28L LLZ/DME U/S. 07 JUL 17:00 2013 UNTIL UFN. CREATED: 07 JUL 03:08 2013

07/048 - RWY 10L/28R CLSD. 06 JUL 23:10 2013 UNTIL UFN. CREATED: 06 JUL 23:10 2013

07/047 - RWY 10R/28L CLSD. 06 JUL 23:09 2013 UNTIL UFN. CREATED: 06 JUL 23:09 2013

07/046 (A1326/13) - RWY 28L PAPI U/S. 06 JUL 22:19 2013 UNTIL UFN. CREATED: 06 JUL 22:19 2013

07/045 (A1324/13) - AD AIRPORT CLSD. 06 JUL 20:10 2013 UNTIL UFN. CREATED: 06 JUL 20:10 2013 (cancelled at 23:09Z)

06/005 (A1056/13) - NAV ILS RWY 28L GP U/S. 01 JUN 14:00 2013 UNTIL 22 AUG 23:59 2013. CREATED: 01 JUN 13:40 2013


KSFO 061956Z 23004KT 10SM FEW016 19/10 A2981 RMK AO2 SLP095 T01890100 
KSFO 061856Z 21007KT 170V240 10SM FEW016 18/10 A2982 RMK AO2 SLP098 T01830100 
KSFO 061756Z 21006KT 10SM FEW016 18/10 A2982 RMK AO2 SLP097 T01780100 10183 20128 51005 
KSFO 061656Z VRB06KT 10SM FEW013 SCT018 17/10 A2982 RMK AO2 SLP096 T01670100
KSFO 061556Z 02003KT 10SM FEW012 SCT018 16/11 A2982 RMK AO2 SLP096 T01610106
KSFO 061456Z VRB03KT 10SM FEW010 SCT015 14/10 A2980 RMK AO2 SLP092 T01440100 51006

Vai umn cafezinho bem forte?

Ps.: Parabéns para Emiliane, a mulata trufada e a escolta até a porta de casa ontem!

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