10 de dez. de 2011

As boas noites meus queridos São Bernardo!

Hoje, sabadão dia 10, onde pude ver todas as estações do ano em um dia só; já fui dormir com o céu avermelhado e chuva de lado acompanhada de frio de arrepiar e de me lembrar de músicas de festas juninas, mas não é São João em questão, e sim, São Nicolau que virou Santa Claus que virou Papai Noel e até Pai Natal em Portugal. 

Olha, se vou ver neve aqui não posso afirmar, mas que seria assustador e ao mesmo tempo um sonho realizado, isso não posso negar... hahahahahahahaha. 

Acordei cedinho com a mesma chuva, e o vento de través dobrando meu guarda-chuva, animador para este fim de semana de céu de Malpica de Bergantiños, Espanha e temperatura de Itapoá - SC... Agora mastigado, moído, quebrado, cansado e fatigado pude presenciar o calor do verão ao meio dia, a primavera ao entardecer e o outono quando eu piso em folhas secas, aaídas de uma mangueira... 

Mas hoje, com a lua cheia entrando em nosso céu, e enchendo de esperança nossos corações, nossas caras ou os sacos alheios. hahahahahahahahaha. 

Jamais filosofar, apenas pensando na rapidez dessa semana onde exatamente a esta hora estava no casamento de minha amiga/irmã/afilhada e que hoje goza sua lua de mel. hahahahahahahaha.

Astróloga do terra.com.br + aquário = Faça um grande favor a você mesmo e aos seus filhos neste eclipse: bote mais fé na comunicação não verbal e preste mais atenção ao que eles manifestam. Descobrirá algo capaz de restabelecer o caminho do dialogo verdadeiro. (Pode deixar, love u).

Ps: Eclipse lunar é observado em diversas cidades do mundo. Fenômeno começou por volta de 10h45 deste sábado (10), horário de Brasília.

Pratique seu inglê e nos poupe do seu latim:

Rally Defying Putin’s Party Draws Tens of Thousands

Published: December 10, 2011

The crowd overflowed from a central city square, forcing stragglers to climb trees or watch from the opposite riverbank. “We exist!” they chanted. “We exist!”

Opposition leaders understood that for a moment they, not the Kremlin, were dictating the political agenda, and seemed intent on leveraging it, promising to gather an even larger crowd again on Dec. 24.

Saturday’s rally served to build their confidence as it united liberals, nationalists and Communists. The event was too large to be edited out of the evening news, which does not ordinarily report on criticism of Mr. Putin. And it was accompanied by dozens of smaller rallies across Russia’s nine time zones, with a crowd of 3,000 reported in Tomsk, and 7,000 in St. Petersburg, the police said.

The protests certainly complicate Mr. Putin’s own campaign to return to the presidency. He is by far the country’s most popular political figure, but he no longer appears untouchable and will have to engage with his critics, something he has done only rarely and grudgingly.

In Moscow, the police estimated the crowd at 25,000, though organizers said there were more than twice that many. The government calculated that it had no choice but to allow the events to unfold and granted a license. There was a large police presence, including helicopters, troop carriers, dump trucks and bulldozers, but remarkably when the crowd dispersed four hours later, no detentions were reported at the scene.

Older participants were reminded of the oceans of demonstrators who marched on the Kremlin in the early 1990s, heralding the collapse of the Soviet Union. Younger protesters — so digitally connected that they broadcast the event live by holding iPads over their heads — said this was a day when a group that had been silent made itself heard.

“People are just tired, they have already crossed all the boundaries,” said Yana Larionova, 26, a real estate agent. “You see all these people who are well dressed and earn a good salary, going out onto the streets on Saturday and saying, ‘No more.’ That’s when you know you need a change.”

Calls for protest have been mounting since parliamentary elections last Sunday, which domestic and international observers said were tainted by ballot-stuffing and fraud on behalf of Mr. Putin’s party, United Russia. But an equally crucial event, many said, was Mr. Putin’s announcement in September that he would run for the presidency in March. He is almost certain to win a six-year term, meaning he will have been Russia’s paramount leader for 18 years.

Yevgeniya Albats, editor of the New Times, a magazine often critical of the government, said that the gathering was the most striking display of grass-roots democracy that she had seen in Russia, and that the involvement of young people was a game-changer. When Mr. Putin revealed his decision to return to the presidency, six months before the election, she said, “this really, really humiliated the country.”

“Today we just proved that civil society does exist in Russia, that the middle class does exist and that this country is not lost,” Ms. Albats said.

The authorities had been trying to discourage attendance, saying that widespread protests could prove as destabilizing as the Soviet collapse, which occurred 20 years ago this month. Officials have portrayed the demonstrators as revolutionaries dedicated to a violent, Libya-style overthrow. Mr. Putin last week said that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had set off the wave of activism by publicly criticizing the conduct of the parliamentary elections.

“She set the tone for some actors in our country and gave them a signal,” Mr. Putin said. “They heard the signal and with the support of the U.S. State Department began active work.”

Protesters laughed at this notion. One speaker asked the crowd, “Are we here because Hillary Clinton texted us?”

Sergei Y. Zhidkov, 50, who identified himself as a Russian nationalist, gave an expectant smile in a conversation with an American. “I’d like to know when we are going to get your money,” he said brightly.

Vai um suco de cevada?

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